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On Saturday, June 3rd, the family of Judy Dexter held its fourth annual Toss to Stop C. diff Loss Memorial Picnic and Cornhole Tournament. With nearly 100 guests and many more donors, this year’s event was the most financially successful to date raising more than $12,000!

The first three years, the family held the picnic at Savage Park in Maryland. This year, the event moved to the expansive yard of the home Judy shared with her husband Chuck Dexter. This new location made the event more intimate as the Cornhole Tournament was closer to the picnic area, face painting, raffle table and – new addition – bouncy house. It was a privilege to spend time in the lovely home where Judy and Chuck raised the four Dexter siblings who are the force behind this event.

This year, as the 4th year, fourth child Kirsten Dexter Earp offered the welcome to guests. She also continued the tradition of opening the event in prayer, reflecting Judy’s commitment of faith in God.

The beautiful weather made for a great afternoon with a hard fought cornhole tournament – where first-time player Christian and Rich Dexter came in fourth – along with Rich’s step-daughter, and Kirsten face painting, four great raffle prizes and DJ services provided by Matt Matechik. Of course, Henry the Hand came for a visit.

This year’s cornhole champions were Scott Dexter and Kathy Pugh, (photo center); with Joe Mundie and Chris Dines (photo right) taking second place and Derek Wilson and Mark Weller in third (photo left).

Kirsten Dexter Earp said, “We raised over $12,000, which fills me with joy – such a sad part of my life can bring love, beauty, care and togetherness – it’s a thought that heals my heart a little each time I think it.” Everyone at PLF is grateful to have the Dexters are part of our extended family. We need families like them in every state spreading awareness and raising money to fuel the movement to combat C. diff.
To see more pictures and get information about next year’s event “like” the Toss to Stop C. diff Loss Community on Facebook. If you’d like to host an event, please contact us.
This is amazing and wonderful. Thanks so much to the Dexter family for the difference they are making.
We’ll have to get you there one summer!
wow! so impressive!