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Antimicrobials Working Group Wants C. diff Stories

Our friends at the Antimicrobials Working Group (AWG), an industry led non-profit focused on increasing innovations in infectious disease treatments, are launching an “AMR Stories” initiative. The initiative will tell the story of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) from the perspective of patients, caregivers, providers and researchers. This is a great opportunity for you to share how Clostridium difficile (C. diff) and AMR has affected you, a loved one, your patients or your work. AWG’s goal is to help raise awareness of the AMR health crisis to spur innovation in infectious disease research and development and to ensure doctors have enough options to effectively treat patients. 

If you are interested in participating, please visit their website to fill out the story submission form. If you prefer, you can email your story to: 

Submission Requirements

Name (First, Last)

Location (City, State)

Age (Optional)

Are you a Patient/caregiver or family member/Provider/Researcher? (Choose one)

Disease/Condition (Optional)

Photo (Under 2MB)


*While there is no word limit for an AMR Stories submission, we encourage stories no longer than 600 to 800 words, as this length is easiest for reading online. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I submit my story?

Once your AMR story has been submitted, a member of the AWG team will reach out to you via email to ensure the contact information we have is correct and, if necessary, to clarify any parts of the story that may have been unclear. If you have not received an email confirmation within a week of submitting your story, send a message to so we can ensure your story was entered into the system. 

Will my story be changed?

We make every effort to maintain the contributor’s voice in the story but may suggest minor edits for spelling and clarity. AWG also reserves the right to remove identifying information of any medical facility or person named in a AMR story, for confidentiality. All suggested edits to your story will be sent to you via email for review prior to posting content on the website

Is there a word limit for an AMR Stories submission?

While there is no word limit, we have learned that stories no longer than 600 to 800 words are the easiest for reading online. However, contributors are welcome to submit stories of any length. 

Do I have to use my real name with my story?

We encourage people to use their name when submitting a story. However, given the sensitivity of some stories, we understand that not everyone is comfortable being identifiable online. If this is the case, you may use your initials or a nickname when you enter the information on the submission form.

Do I have to submit a photo with my story?

You are not required to submit a photo, although we have found that stories with photos are read more often than those without.

What type of photo do you want for the story?

Most people submit a head shot or profile shot of the person who is featured. If you prefer to submit a photo with family members or friends, please ensure that they are aware of and approve the use of their image online.

Who can see my story?

Anyone who visits the AWG website will be able to see the AMR Stories. Additionally, excerpts from your story may be featured on AWG’s social channels – Facebook and Twitter. Your story may also be found through search engines such as Google.

Can I update my story?

AMR stories can be updated by sending new information to

Can I ask that my story be removed from the site?

AMR stories may be removed at any time upon request. It is important to keep in mind that although photos and text may be deleted from the site, copies may exist elsewhere online and may never be completely removed.

How long will it take for my story to be posted?

It can take from one to a few weeks for an AMR story to be posted on the site. Once your story has been posted, you will receive an email with the URL that you can share with others.

About the Antimicrobials Working Group

The Antimicrobials Working Group’s (AWG) mission is to improve the regulatory, investment, and commercial environment for antimicrobial drug and diagnostic device development, in order to provide doctors and patients with innovative infectious disease treatment options.

Click here to learn more.

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