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Last month our executive director and two members of our Advocates Council, Christina Fuhrman and Eric Petrosinelli, joined the Pew Charitable Trusts “Stand Up to Superbugs” fly-in. They joined 37 other Americans from all across the country to meet with the representatives to share their superbug stories and expertise and urge increased action to preserve the effectiveness of existing antibiotics and develop urgently needed new ones. In addition to representatives from PLF, Pew’s ambassadors included health care professionals, public health officials, scientists, farmers and ranchers, veterinarians, superbug survivors, and people who have lost loved ones to an antibiotic-resistant infection.

As part of the fly-in, Pew arranged for a few ambassadors to testify before the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. Advocates Council Co-chair Christina Fuhrman shared her story with the PACCARB representatives. We will share the video once it’s available. Having made 17 visits while he was in DC, Advocate Eric Petrosinelli was featured in his local paper, “Warwick man pushes lawmakers to fund new drugs to fight antibiotic-resistant drugs.” We are grateful to Pew for its leadership on this issue and being such a great partner.
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