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On April 24th, PLF convened its 8th annual National C. diff Advocacy Summit in Washington, DC. This year’s event was our most successful yet, bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss the prevention and treatment of C. diff. The Summit featured presentations and panel discussions on the latest research and best practices related to CDI prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Topics ranged from “How C. diff Does What It Does” to “Medical Gaslighting and C. diff” and “Mainstreaming Infectious Disease Advocacy.” We were delighted to present a record number of presentations and to hear from numerous C. diff survivors. A recording of the Summit is now available on our YouTube Channel with individual session recordings available in the coming weeks.
The Summit also provided opportunities for networking and collaboration among participants. Attendees were encouraged to share their own experiences and insights and to work together to develop innovative solutions for addressing the challenges posed by CDI. Overall, the 2023 National C. Diff Advocacy Summit was a valuable forum for raising awareness about this important public health issue and promoting collaboration and action among stakeholders to improve prevention and treatment outcomes. Thank you to our Summit sponsors, presenters, and participants for helping to make this event a success.
Following the summit, on April 25th, PLF Advocates once again took to Capitol Hill and called on their Senators and Representatives to improve surveillance and treatment for C. diff infections. After three years of virtual meetings, Advocates flocked to the halls of Congress and requested that legislators advance the PASTEUR Act of 2023 upon its reintroduction. Among other talking points was the need to designate C. diff a Nationally Notifiable Disease under CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network—an action that would mandate reporting of all infections and greatly increase our ability to track and understand the C. diff epidemic. You can find more information on the PASTEUR Act, and how you can take action to revitalize the at-risk field of antimicrobial development here.
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